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Modification Of Court Orders:

Make The Smart Move To Protect Your Rights After A Divorce

Maybe your former spouse flat-out refuses to pay the child support ordered by the court at the time of your divorce. Or, perhaps your ex-spouse’s financial fortunes have changed significantly for the better, and now you’d like a court to reexamine the terms of spousal and child support orders it made years ago.

When it comes to family law, nothing is set in stone, and no matter how final any court order seemed at the time, there may be situations in which a court may consider modifying it. Whether you believe a court should consider a modification or want to block any change from being made, one thing is for certain: You need an experienced family law attorney in your corner. The attorneys of J.D. Milks can help protect your rights.

Why A Court Might Consider A Modification

Family law judges in Texas understand that circumstances change, and that what might have been perfectly appropriate several years ago may no longer be so.

Situations where a court might consider a modification of an existing child or spousal support order include:

  • A sudden job loss or pay cut on the part of the paying party resulting in extreme hardship in making existing spousal support payments
  • Financial windfall on the part of the recipient party that makes existing spousal or child support payments excessive

Regardless of whether you want a judge to approve a modification or want to maintain the status quo, our attorneys can represent you in the legal process and persuasively argue for your position.

Enforcing Court Orders

As the party who is not receiving proper alimony or child support under a court order, you need legal help to see that you receive the support you need. Our attorneys can guide you through the process of seeking court enforcement of any support order, which can include garnishment of wages and still more serious actions.

If you are in the position of having orders enforced against you, there may be options to help alleviate your situation. By seeking a court modification to an existing order, you may be able to prevent some of the worst consequences of being delinquent on spousal or child support. Our experienced lawyers can evaluate all of your options to avoid civil or even criminal penalties for nonpayment of support.

Learn More About Modification Of Child Support, Spousal Support Modification And Enforcement Actions

Contact our Arlington office by email or call (817) 659-1133 to speak with one of our attorneys about your family law case.