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Premises Liability Attorneys

The world can be a dangerous place. While there are many places where you might assume a certain risk of injury, there are many other places you go in your everyday life where you simply never expect to get hurt. When the unthinkable happens, you may be left assuming that you don’t have legal options to get fair compensation for your injuries.

If you’ve been the victim of an accident on someone else’s property, make the smart move: Contact J.D. Milks for a free consultation. Our attorneys have decades of combined experience handling personal injury claims throughout the Metroplex. We know from experience that nearly all accidents come out of nowhere, leaving our clients and their families dealing with serious pain and on the hook for significant financial losses. Anytime someone else’s negligence plays a role in our clients’ injuries, we go after the negligent parties aggressively to get our clients the compensation they deserve.

Learn More About Premises Liability Claims In Texas

What are legally referred to as premises liability claims really encompass a large number of civil claims that arise whenever someone is injured on someone else’s property. For example, a premises liability claim could arise when:

  • A supermarket owner does not clean up spills or other hazards in a timely fashion (cases known as “slip-and-fall” claims)
  • Someone on private property suffers a dog bite from a dog with known dangerous propensities
  • An apartment owner provides insufficient lighting or other safety features leading to injury through accidents or even criminal activity

Like any other personal injury claim, the goal of premises liability claims is to make accident victims whole for their financial losses. While insurance policies may cover some of a victim’s costs, seeking legal action can help recover additional compensation for:

  • Hospital bills, physical therapy and other medical costs
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Lost wages and decreased earning capacity as a result of an inability to work and/or return to the same job following an accident

Slip And Fall Injury

We can evaluate whether you or your loved one is likely to succeed in a premises liability claim during a completely free and no-obligation consultation. To speak with a lawyer, call our office at (817) 659-1133 or email us now.